Frequently Asked Questions in Salinas CA
Find the answers below to the most frequently asked questions about chiropractors in Salinas CA. Having the answers to these key questions can help you choose the right Salinas CA chiropractor for you. If you don't see the answer below to a question you have, reach out to Davis Chiropractic at (831) 757-8240 and our team can help!
How much does chiropractic care cost?
Do you take insurance?
Do you work with medical doctors?
Will you suggest exercises or other things I can do at home?
Do I need a referral from a physician or my insurance company?
Will I get adjusted on the first visit?
Will I need to have x-rays?
Do you have a family plan?
Can someone who has had back surgery see a chiropractor?
How much time does it take for a typical visit?
Will I get a prescription for some pain medication?
Once I go to a chiropractor, will I always have to go?
Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?
Can chiropractic cure everything?
Why would I have my newborn or young child adjusted?
Can chiropractic help with colic and how?
7:30am - 7:00pm
7:30am - 7:00pm
7:30am - 7:00pm
7:30am - 7:00pm
7:30am - 7:00pm
Davis Chiropractic
100 E Romie Ln #4
Salinas, CA 93901